Social evil in Pakistan
My friend sent this link, which is quite amusing. This pakistani dude finds anyone taking to the begging 'profession' as a social evil. If you are not
- deaf
- dumb
- and/or living under a rock in tora bora caves
you by now can realise that, the social evil is the mullahs and the Musharraf who is clinging to power showing one finger to the mullahs, one to the Paki public and the other to India and rest of the world.
Read on here:
With the arrival of holy Ramadan the number of beggar has once againincreased in all the metropolitan cities of Pakistan. These days theyare everywhere; bus stands, post offices, railways station, mosquesand markets are their favorite haunts. Beggars in the market pursueyou like a shadow. It is impossible to move about peacefully. They arealso present on all the Chorangi's of the metropolitan cities. If youshow generosity and open your purse; you are surrounded by a host ofthem. These beggars include even small children and a large number offemales. The condition is much worse in the holy cities of SaudiArabia where we found (usually) Pakistani beggars. They do not evenbother about begging in the Holy Khana Ka'bah. These Pakistani beggarsusually arrive in Saudi Arabia on an Umrah visa and then remain therefor a month or two. Since a large number of Pakistani devotees visitthe holy land during the month of Ramadan for Umrah and most of themare well-off people, the beggar succeed in securing their alms. Thepractice has been going on for many years but the sources say thatthis time the number of beggars from Pakistan are astronomical. Thereason behind the increasing numbers may be the increasing rate ofunemployment because of which sometimes even white collared men do nothesitate to do begging in foreign countries. A prompt action on thepart of government is required to check this social evil. -WAJIHAJAWAID, Karachi, via e-mail, October 21.